
My blog is about endangered animals and what we can do to save them and there enviroment. If you like animals then you will be sure to like my blog.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Black Rhino

This is a Black Rhino. Did you know that there are two different types of rhinos and both are endangered species.

My Chinchilla

I have a pet chinchilla. It is a male. His name is Midnight. He is very energetic. Usually when I get home, he is jumping everywhere. A few times now, when I got home he is sittimg in a corner that you can see as soon as you walk into my room. Well, he wasn't just sitting there; he was playing with himself. I have at least walked in on him 5 or 6 times now. I have asked my parents for a female chinchilla. There answer was no. They said that its something boys do. I still want a female. I don't care if thats something he does, I don't want to walk in on him.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween

Wow! It's been a long time since I've gotten on here and a lot has happened since then. First I want to say happy Halloween! Get to eat a lot of candy this weekend. Next I would like to say congrats to everyone who started school this year off to pretty good start; all A's or A's and B's. My school year wasn't that good so far. A week before school started, where I live,I got hit in the face by a soccer ball. Plus I had my glasses on so that made things worse. For a week I had to walk around with a broken nose and two black eyes. The good news to that is the first day of school you couldnt even tell.
Then the day before school started I fell off a gulf cart onto a dirt road and scraped up my leg pretty good. I have a purple scar on my knee. While that was still trying to heal, I had to run the nine minute mile for athletics; which if you must know I missed by 7 sec.
Suprisingly I made B team volleyball. At a B team tournament in the championship game I broke my elbow and had to get a cast. Which that put me out for the rest of the season. Just the other day I went back to the orthopedics docter and I'm still not released to play. Also ,we got first place in our tornament and got medals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bad news though, I've been sick since friday of last week with broncitis.I've missed that much school too. I'm going to miss even more though, on Monday I'm going in for sinus and nasal passageway surgery. There's also a possiblity that I might miss Tuesday. You may be asking what this has to do with animals? Am I right? Well it has nothing to do with animals. Just a little personal info. for you.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Back to school!!! YA!!! JK! JK!

Hey, sorry it's been so long we justed started school two weeks ago and just now i'm not getting lost anymore. The sad thing though, is that I did not get to write about the oil spill in the gulf and all the animals. I was completely spaced out and actually forgot about my blog. Just stay with me though. I still can't believe that it took them almost and maybe even more than four months to stop the oil from going into the gulf. The thing that bothers me even more is all the animals they have hurt now because of it. Exspecial turtles, not only where they being threaten by liter in the ocean but now the oil. I think it is like that for every animal in the gulf or on land by that area.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Pets and pet stores

There is only one thing I can not stand and that is pet stores. Here's why, I have a pet chinchilla that I have been trying to get a new cage for. All websites that you go to about chinchillas is that they don't need to be near any plastic because they can't digest it. Eventually it would kill them. I bet you could probally guess what I'm about to say next but I'm going to say it anyways. All the cages are made with some sort of plastic. Even there dust bath house is made of plastic. Now don't get me wrong it's not all the pet stores but 98% of them are that way. The only one I'm fond of going to is Petco off of I-30 in fort worth. That's because they have like 5 aisles just for chins. and there great on every thing else. That is just my opion. I'm only one person so it doesn't really mater. By the way there is one lady who I think is down right awesome. Here is her website you should check it out. http://www.rainbowwildlife.com/

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

School is OUT!!!!!!

You are probally thinking yes school is out. I get to sleep all day, party all night. Well instead of being a couch potato why don't you do something that can help the world. For an example save an animal from being hit by a car like a turtle who are slow and don't always make it across. Another thing is when you want a pet cat or dog  go to the pond because all animals need a chance and all those probally had a good home just got left behind because they couldn't afford the animal any longer.This summer I want everybody out there to do all they can to stop endangerment for all animals. They all deserve a chance, Including us. We won't know what is missin until it is gone.

Friday, May 14, 2010


The Giant Panda is another endangered animal on our planet. They really need our help! Although poaching is against the law in several countries and states, it's still happening to this very day. There are only around 1,000 wild Pandas left in the world because of poachers.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I have a chinchilla and soon I'm going to bring him to school. For those of you who don't know what it is, it's in the rodent family. You should look them up because they are the cooliest animal alive. There teeth never stop growing. Plus there herbivores. They love to eat berries and lots of lettuce.

Friday, May 7, 2010

New pic


Wednesday, May 5, 2010


You know not just polar bears are endangered. There is Zebras, Giraffes, Rhinos, Cheetahs, Antelopes, Wildebeest, Greater Flamingos, Wolfs, Lions, and a lot others that need our help in survival. Plus there's probably some out there in the world that no one's even discovered yet but we're still hurting them because of what were doing to our be loved planet.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

This is a Cassowary.
Pretty cool!!!!